Project Update

For this project, I wanted to capture images that meant something to me when I look at them. Random Images in my daily life that captures my attention. These images are upload to Flickr website. So far, I have two different albums that shows my progress in this project. The first one is called Road-Trip to the Country Side and the second one is called Random Shots. These two different album contains such a different images in it as they were captured in different place. Stephen Shore stated, photographs is away in which “photographers express their sense of the world, give structure to their perceptions, and articulation to their meanings” (p. 39). I totally agree with this statement. When I capture images, is not because I just want to, it’s because I want others to see how I see the world. For instance, my friend who drove with me when I took the “Road-Trip to the Country Side” images, hates the country side and he finds it dull as it looks “empty”. He never understood my fascination in taking images of the country side until he saw the images I captured. He realized how I see the country side. Personally, I find it hard to share and express how I see the world to other people. However, my photographs should show how I sense the world, the perception I have for it, and the meanings I see. Because, I do not take photos for fun, I take photos to express. 


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