Rose-Coloured Resurrection

 Jean Baudrillard stated “it is possible that very memory of the original caves will fade in the mind of future generations, but from now on there is no longer any difference” (p. 18). I personally disagree with this statement. I believe that this world is filled with differences. Fo instance, Lawrence university is filled with differences. The students and professors have their own opinions, beliefs, language and culture. Though, someone might argue that Lawrence might not recognize those difference by encouraging the students to speak in English and most classes are taught in English language. However, as seen in a lot of events in campus, Lawrence does a good job in recognizing and celebrating those differences. I don’t know about Baudrillard, but it think Lawrence community is work very well because of those difference that the people in it has. 

Work Progress Update 

Capture by me 

Biggest Update Right Now
I finally deciding on a concrete idea for my final project is the biggest update I have. I decided to interview people who comes from different cultures about how covid affected them and how they dealt with it. One of the question I asked them is how had Covid effected their anxiety. Potentially, they would end up talking about what they think anxiety feels like and what it sounds like. The second part of my project, I will show how I think anxiety feels like and sounds lie through movement. 

How does this connects to the idea of “differences” 
The three students I recruited for this interview are from Mexico, Vietnam, and Puerto Rico, and I am from Philippines. The point of the project is to show how Covid affected them differently. Research says that Covid has different impact on different culture. For instance, Filipinos might say their mental health are the most impacted and Korean might say their social lives. This project is meant to show differences in students who comes from different culture. Philippines is one of the country that got affected by covid. Whenever I asked most of my friends who are living there right now of what’s the most thing that covid did to them most of the response I get has something to do with anxiety. 

What am I doing now for this project? 
I am still polishing my soundscape and started to choreographed some movements for it. This week, I focused on capturing Images around the campus that relates to covid. These photos are going to be presented through a photo book. I interviewed the students already and just need to edit the video and turn it to a documentary. 


  1. I love the wide range of works to plan to show for the final project. One question have is if these different mediums somehow come together to represent something as a whole. I think it might be interesting to see if there are any similarities between the works.

  2. Props for taking on multiple projects! I'm really looking forward to seeing the end product. It's also great it connects to your other interests. The soundscape was particularly interesting to me. It was jarring but very compelling. Great job!


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