Final Project


Completing my project made me realized that it has to do with Baudrillard's idea of representational imagery and the resurrection of difference. I think my project relates well to Baudrillard's statement regarding using representational imagery becomes the "reflection of basic reality" (pg. 11). The questions I asked for the people I interviewed were meant to simulate the reality that students went through during the pandemic. I did a lot of editing in this project but I made sure I did not remove clips even though I did not like the answers. This way, I made sure that my audience will get nothing but the truth of how these students felt and what they went though during the pandemic. Comparing the answers of these students, it demonstrate that we are not "under the signs of dead differences" (pg.16). Though all of us lives with the same reality and everyone had to battle the pandemic, this project shows that it affected us differently and that we battle through it differently. My favorite part of the whole project is when the two students had very different answers on what they do when they feel anxious and what they hear when they're having anxiety.  


  1. I really liked the ending of the video with the sound scape. We have been in this pandemic for about 2 years now, so at this point I have gotten use to the pandemic setting. The mask, signs, social distancing, and it all. However, the black and white filter and the creepy music made me remember how I felt early pandemic.

  2. Great video! It was really interesting to hear different people's perspective on the pandemic and the anxiety they feel. Not everyone reacts the same to situations. I also liked your soundscape at the end illustrating the feeling of anxiety. It was unsettling and uncomfortable in the best way possible, because that's just how anxiety feels.


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