"False Representation"

                        Auditing work in progress - Marks Paneth

For my project, I decided to combine three proposal I presented to you guys. My title would be called "Battling with anxiety". My biggest goal in this project is to show how Covid changed our environment which leads to how it affects me as a person who battles with anxiety to then showing how I continuously have discussion with myself on how to win the battle against the anxiety. The film as whole would look like as a "self-reflection". A lot of the things in this project I would have to do a representation. For instance, I hope to show my audience what anxiety looks like through movement, what anxiety sounds and feel like, and how in my mind, I encourage myself to win the battle. I thought the way I want to represent those things relates   to Baudrillard's statement that "representation tries to absorb simulation by interpreting it as a false representation" (p. 11). My project would have a representation of anxiety and I think it's going to be a false representation of the reality. How? Well, in reality, when you have anxiety you don't notice how you are feeling or what your body looks like, we don't realized what anxiety sounds like. In reality, when we have anxiety we tend to ignore it and not observe about it. Thus, I would need to use false representation to show what anxiety looks like and sounds like. Is it necessary to use false representation? In this matter yes, because how are you supposed to represent how we feel when battling anxiety? 
All I have so far is my soundscape. This soundscape is a representation of what I think anxiety sounds and feel like. I wanted to do my soundscape first so that I can choreograph movements from the sounds to represent what I think anxiety looks like. The soundscape is not yet polished as I am still learning how utilize GarageBand properly. 


  1. Very interesting soundscape. I hear Chinese figures at the beginning and the end of the track. Feels like I am in a dim gray-green lighted hospital's corridor, and someone is lying on a bed waiting for his surgery.


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