Andrew Norris

Friends of Dorothy- Andrew Norris

Sadly, I could not attend the talk but lucky my friend was able to record it. From what I listen, Andrew Norris when speaking he does not mask the truths. He say what he needed to say and answer the questions with full honesty. I like how through recording, not only I hear that he has sincerity to the arts his arts but also to his audience. I love how when people asked him regarding "body struggles" he did not sugar coat it and instead he delivered a truthful answers in which everyone in the room could related to. In his arts, though he masks the backgrounds unrealistic backgrounds which can be seen throughout his artworks, I love that the focus of his artworks are filled with realness. I also like that he used different characters from different generations such as Lil nas x who is a well-known queer of this generation. I think this way, it allows different generations to access and understand his work. 


  1. I agree that the sincerity of the artist during the talk was really nice. It helped people relate to the artist and his work.

  2. His openness about his struggles was something I too really appreciated. His work with queer artists shows just how important that representation in media really is.


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