Alfred Hitchcock

 The story behind the image of Alfred Hitchcock | Profoto (UK)

Alfred Hitchcock is a famous director and filmmaker. In most of his films, he uses psychological suspense which produce a distinct viewer experience. Due to this technique, he was nicknamed as the "master of suspense". Growing up, Hitchcock did not have a good experience with the people who surrounded him that's including his strict catholic parents. As an obese kid, he did not have a lot of friends and was bullied because of it. In fact, he described his childhood as lonely and sheltered because of his obesity. When he does a bad things, his parents would have tie himself or go to the local police station and be locked up as a punishment. He did not let these things stop him from being successful. He made more than 50 films and contributed to World War II by making a film propaganda against the nazis. He has a talent on what angle to hold the camera to make sure the viewers would work their mind off while watching his films but at the same have the best experience. Personally, I think his works relates most on the idea of "realness" by Baudrillard. He is known for adding things in his film that his viewers don't expect. To have that psychological suspense effect, he would need to integrate things that for his viewers, are far from reality. I also thought that, his works might not be accessible to different cultures. Some of his works might be way too much and different cultures other than his might not get the ideas he implemented his films as everyone has different beliefs. 


  1. Speaking of "realness" I can also see him invoking the feelings we get in life through the stories he tells in his movies. Being the master of suspense, he uses his films which simulate reality, but is also able to drag the viewers into its world by playing with our curiosity and feelings.

  2. It's very fascinating to frame his biography right against his works... I always wonder at those stories of "success in spite of difficulties", because is it really "in spite" or "thanks to/because of"? Either way, I always have found his sense of dark humour quite amuzing, and would have to agree that he is not perceived equally well among all people; there is a lot of reasons to love and hate his work, imo.

  3. I'm excited to see your presentation, I really love some of Hitchcock's films. Many great works of art come from a deep and personal place, it's interesting to know more of Hitchcock's background and reasons for his films. While his films have some over the top aspects that challenge the "real," there are also real human emotions that people can relate to, which I think makes for really compelling films.


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