For this project, I decided to talk about the flag of the Philippines and the flag of the United States. I thought this topic is relatable to the statement that Lupton made "Likewise, color changes meaning from culture to culture. Color carries different connotations in different societies" (Lupton 81). As you can see in the images below, both flags basically used the same colors red and blue which are the primary color, and white. However, since these flags are from two different cultures, the colors acquire different meanings for each of the flags. For the flag of the Philippines, the blue color represents justice, peace, sacrifice, and truth. The red represents war, courage, and patriotism. White symbolizes fraternity, liberty, and equality. The yellow color symbolic of freedom, unity, sovereignty, and democracy. On the other hand, the blue color that is seen in the flag of the United States represents vigilance, perseverance, and j...
I really like the sound you made! Great work!