
To support John Cage’s idea that “everything we do is music”, I created a combination of sounds and noises that I hear in my daily life. I wanted to explore how the things I do daily create sounds or even music without even me realizing it. As McLuhan noted, “we hear sounds from everywhere, without ever having to focus” (p.111). This statement stood out to me because recently, I learned that I hear sounds even though I don't intentionally try to hear them. For instance, when I am cutting vegetables, I try my best to put my full attention on how I am cutting or what the vegetables look like. However, I find that the sounds that I am producing gradually take my attention. So, for this project, I wanted to combine all the sounds that I hear from the things I do daily. From walking, boiling water, opening a soda, to clicking a pen. I wanted to show that the sounds we hear from the simplest things we do in our daily forms a Music.   


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