
Showing posts from October, 2021


To support John Cage’s idea that “everything we do is music”, I created a combination of sounds and noises that I hear in my daily life. I wanted to explore how the things I do daily create sounds or even music without even me realizing it. As McLuhan noted, “we hear sounds from everywhere, without ever having to focus” (p.111). This statement stood out to me because recently, I learned that I hear sounds even though I don't intentionally try to hear them. For instance, when I am cutting vegetables, I try my best to put my full attention on how I am cutting or what the vegetables look like. However, I find that the sounds that I am producing gradually take my attention. So, for this project, I wanted to combine all the sounds that I hear from the things I do daily. From walking, boiling water, opening a soda, to clicking a pen. I wanted to show that the sounds we hear from the simplest things we do in our daily forms a  Music .   

Gina Adams Reflection

 Gina Adams is indeed a phenomenal artist. You can hear the compassion she has for these events. I was excited when I heard  quilts  are part of her art. What stood up to me most is that her quilts are not just fabric. Rather, they were filled with lessons, history, and awareness. I like that the letters she used are from broken treaties. I also like the fact that some of the messages in her quilts are very hard to read. It makes me dig deeper and think harder of what she wants us to learn from her art piece. I admire artists who don’t let their status in life and their experiences in life stop them from creating something they believe in. Gina Adams, has inherited trauma but that did not stop her to use her art and educate people around her. “When two seemingly disparate elements are imaginatively poised, put in a position in new and unique ways, startling discoveries result” (McLuhan, p.10). I thought this quote described Adams’ quilts so well. Two different element-qui...

Flickr Post

    Hi all! For this project, I decided to go to my comfort zone which is taking a photograph of our nature to emphasized the beauty of the sun. This weekend, I spent by going to  Door Country  chasing sunsets. Normally, I would do a little editing on these types of images as I want every little detail shown. However, for some of these, I did not have to do editing. I decided to focus on the sun because it stood up to me when McLuhan “The stars are so big, the earth is so small” (p. 79). These images capture just that. It may seem like the sun is so tiny compare to the earth especially in the images. However, even though it looks tiny, it gives beauty to the earth and gives color to these images. I think this can be applied to our lives. We focus more on what we believe is “big” and less on the small things. We forget that sometimes what seems small, does a lot more. I look at the sun when I feel like little things don’t matter to remind me that they can be brighter....