Experimental Video


Hello there! For this project, I chose to film what I called “personal space” as a college student here at Lawrence University. My inspiration came from our textbook when McLuhan said “We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future” (p. 63). See, I interpreted this as either what we do in the present reflects what happens in the future or our past is what determined our future. The Film I made, is to show the two of my interpretations of this quote. Like I said million times, I came from the Philippines. A place that is genuinely beautiful because of its Attractions and the loving people you’ll ever meet. But beyond that beauty, its people Struggles. I experienced those struggles, especially where personal space didn’t exist. Though it was not easy, I acknowledge and grateful for thos experience because it led me to the present in which I cherish dearly. I may look lonely in this film but I extremely believe personal space is extremely important to me as it is where I find a peace of mind and where I can re-charge my mentality. So why I cherish my present? Because in the future my present would be my past. I want my future past to be filled with good things I did not only for other people but also for myself.  I understant that I need to take care of my mental, physical, and emotional states in the present so that I can survive and do the things I want in the future. 

Explanation of structure of the video (if video don’t make sense to you)

From when I woke up to when I came back from my classes someone is taking a video of me. Then, it shifted to the camera acting as eyes. There are moments where everythign is dark for not even a second that’s to show that I am blinking. After all my classes, I always lay down in bed until I fall asleep. With that said, in the video you’ll notice that I look at random things and there’s a whispering back ground that’s to show what’s going on my mind the moment I lay down which is chaos and nonsense. You’ll also see that I always think about my dog because I miss him. The part where my dog is running and it gradually became darker, that’s when I drowsed off snd completely shut my eyes. 


  1. I really love your video! I especially like the minimal amount of sound, hearing just the simple background sounds of your coffee maker and the curtains opening. Also how your actions are sped up in some parts is super interesting. Great job.


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