Six Modes of Grouping

     For this project, I decided to take photographs of the random things around my house and associated it with the topic of “Six Modes of Grouping” that was discussed by Lupton in the assigned reading. After photographing random things around my house, Malcolm Grear statement “the form of the object is not more important than the form of the space surrounding it. All things exist in interaction with other things” (Lupton 99), made me realized that what he said almost applies to any circumstances or things in our lives. Look at all the images below, every elements in one image matters and and serves purpose which is to complete the look of the object.                                              

 I thought this image depicted  continuity and closure. Continuity, if you look at the letter “K” you will see in the middle the shape of chocolate kisses which leads us to the word “Kaces”.  Closure, as shown in the image, the letter “K” is incomplete and yet we percieve it as the letter “K”
This image associates with similarity and proximity modes. Pay attention particularly where the yellow flower on the bottom, I thought they are all similar as they have the same colors and shapes but different sizes. Proximity because they each elements that placed together and if you look close enough it can be seen as a two group getting ready to run in their own corners. Due to proximity and similarity modes, these flowers looks like dancers in two different group.

    I thought this one is a perfect example of proximity. The white roses help us realize that this bear in in two groups or symmetrical by how close those white roses/elements together. With proximity, we are able to perceive this clump of white roses as a bear. 
    I’m not sure if everyone knows about this but I took a photograph of this map in my room as an example of figure ground. The first look in this image, it obviously just looks like a map of the United States and nothing more. However, if you pay close attention, Minnesota is a a chef hat, Iowa is the head of the chef, Missouri is the body, Arkansas the leg, Louisiana the feet, Tennessee the plate, and Kentucky the chicken. Fun fact, some people find this as a reason to why it’s called “KFC”.  

Excerpts: Lupton “Graphic Design: The New Basics”, 2015. 


  1. Wow! That's so amazing that your description about US map. This is the first time I saw that. It's totally like a chef !

  2. Never saw the Chef before! Really good example you used! Also the outline of the Hershey's Kiss against the K is awesome!

  3. I like that you pointed out the chef in the map, I had never seen that before.


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