Layers and Transparency

 “Layers allow the designer to treat the image as a collection of assets... designers use layered files to generate storyboard” (Lupton 141). 

I took this opportunities to show my audience the collages I made. Where I go, whatever I eat, and which dog of mine spend time with, I constantly photograph these things. I love capturing those those moments for memories. I make a lot of collages of the things I had photograph because it’s very interesting to see where had my feet brought me or what food I love to eat. Most importantly, I sent these collages to my pen pal back in the Philippines. With these collages, I am able to tell her story and give her idea on what USA is like. Collages? I know you think collages are not layered but on mine, I always make sure that the photos are layered on top of other photos since I call them “Layers of Memories”. 

Below, are three different collages. The first collage I named it “Summer Adventures” as those what kept me busy last summer. Through this layered photos, you can see what I love to do and where I love to go without even telling you anything. The second one, I called it “Sweet Tooth” as you can see, sweets ones out-weighted the savory ones as sweets are my guilty pleasures. Lastly, my adorable but evil(some of them) pets. Just like what Lupton says, layers can be use to tell story and that’s what I want my audience to see on these collages. Personally, I feel like not only did these collages summarized some of my favorite moments in my life but it also delivered a message of who I am as a person. 

                                                      All photographs were captured by me:)

Excerpts: Lupton “Graphic Design: The New Basics 


  1. I see Space Needle which is in Seattle! I am living in Seattle now, hahaha. I also love matching up my photos in the same way as you. It is very direct for me to collect them. Layers do help a lot.

  2. I didn't even think of the idea of collages when I read about layers. These photos are wonderful!


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