
Showing posts from October, 2020

Layers and Transparency

 “Layers allow the designer to treat the image as a collection of assets... designers use layered files to generate storyboard” (Lupton 141).  I took this opportunities to show my audience the collages I made. Where I go, whatever I eat, and which dog of mine spend time with, I constantly photograph these things. I love capturing those those moments for memories. I make a lot of collages of the things I had photograph because it’s very interesting to see where had my feet brought me or what food I love to eat. Most importantly, I sent these collages to my pen pal back in the Philippines. With these collages, I am able to tell her story and give her idea on what USA is like. Collages? I know you think collages are not layered but on mine, I always make sure that the photos are layered on top of other photos since I call them “Layers of Memories”.  Below, are three different collages. The first collage I named it “Summer Adventures” as those what kept me busy last summer. T...


 Hi all, since I was in a road trip with my dog(Squeaky) today, I decided to relate the photograph I took of him today to the topic of framing. To be honest, I love to take pictures, however, I do struggle with framing as I tend to only care what is in front of me and disregard the background of the thing/person I am capturing. Today, I tried to pay extra attention to framing my photographs of squeaky. Surprisingly, framing do shows the meaning and impact of an images   just like what Lupton stated (Lupton, 117).  The image on top you only have Squeaky to focus on due to how I decided to frame it. I took this photo to show the difference when you pay attention to framing your photograph. This photo, since I focused it to squeaky and the photo is almost symmetrical, I’m asking my audience to really focus on him. However, without mentioning it in the beginning, do you know where he is? Most likely not because this framing limits the audience on what details they should know...

Six Modes of Grouping

       For this project, I decided to take photographs of the random things around my house and associated it with the topic of “Six Modes of Grouping” that was discussed by Lupton in the assigned reading. After photographing random things around my house, Malcolm Grear statement “the form of the object is not more important than the form of the space surrounding it. All things exist in interaction with other things” (Lupton 99), made me realized that what he said almost applies to any circumstances or things in our lives. Look at all the images below, every elements in one image matters and and serves purpose which is to complete the look of the object.                                                I thought this image depicted  continuity and closure. Continuity, if you look at the letter “K” you will see in the middle the shape of chocolate...


      For this project, I decided to talk about the flag of the Philippines and the flag of the United States. I thought this topic is relatable to the statement that Lupton made "Likewise, color changes meaning from culture to culture. Color carries different connotations in different societies" (Lupton 81). As you can see in the images below, both flags basically used the same colors red and blue which are the primary color, and white. However, since these flags are from two different cultures, the colors acquire different meanings for each of the flags.       For the flag of the Philippines, the blue color represents justice, peace, sacrifice, and truth. The red represents war, courage, and patriotism. White symbolizes fraternity, liberty, and equality. The yellow color symbolic of freedom, unity, sovereignty, and democracy. On the other hand, the blue color that is seen in the flag of the United States represents vigilance, perseverance, and j...