Lj's Blog

All About Me 


Hi there, my name is Lisalyn Dresser but I go by LJ for simplicity. I was born in the Philippines and moved to the United States of America when I was 13 years old. I have been in the United States for almost 8 years. In those years, I learned so much about the people, culture, and so much more in the United States of America. Honestly, I could not find any similarities between the culture I grew up in and the culture I'm living in. The Philippines has a special place in my heart not only because I was born there but because my heart is at the happiest when I used to live there. My heart has not felt that happiness again when I came to the United States but don't get me wrong, I am genuinely grateful that I had the privilege to be and live in the United States. Being here had given me better opportunities that the Philippines could not give me, one of those opportunities is better education. The Covid-19 have not affected me nor my whole family negatively and I'm thankful for that. This pandemic has taught me so much about myself. It made me realized how fortunate I am to have a roof over my head, to have the resources I need to do distance learning and to have nutritious foods to eat in the middle of this pandemic. This pandemic is a nightmare to lots of my friends back in the Philippines. Some of them need to stop their studies because due to not having the resources to do distant learning, and some of them do not have food nor houses as their parents lost their jobs during this crisis. So, it taught me how to be more thankful and appreciative of the little good things life brings me. 

This is home

To me, art is not just something you do for fun. I personally believe that whatever form of art you do, it tells the world of who you are as a person. This type of art class is new to me but I hope I don't only learn about the materials but also learn about myself through it. It saddened me that I will need to share my art and creativity through the screen because of COVID. Nevertheless, I am ecstatic to learn about the class. 


  1. Really like your perspective and narrative on relocating to the USA. Excited to see more from you!

  2. You'll get the opportunity to share your art in person too! Through a screen is the safest for now and I'm sure you'll reach more people than those limited to Lawrence. The pandemic definitely sucks but I'm glad your trying to focus on the good aspects that surround you!

  3. I appreciate how much your mindset is able to adapt and grow over every change and obstacle. Your perspective on art makes me realize that there is fun and story-telling involved in any form of art. Now, we just have to share it on screen.


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